Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Knitting Hiatus

It has been a few months since I've knitted anything. As my pregnancy neared its end I wasn't into doing much more than trying to be comfortable. I also didn't know what to knit next after I finished the fish hats. Now I know what I'd like to knit; however, I'm recovering from my delivery. Yes, I went into labor on May 17, around 9:00 p.m. My husband and I went to the hospital around 10:00 p.m. and then I was finally admitted at 11:00 p.m. once they decided that my water had actually broken. Nearly 40 hours after my water broke, I delivered our son on May 19. Now I'm recovering from the labor and delivery. My epidural failed three times so it was like natural childbirth. It was awful. My son is worth every aching minute of it, though. He is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. We are truly blessed. Once he and I are on a better schedule I am going to get back into my knitting. My first project will be to finish the baby socks I started 10 yrs ago. They are blue and I want to finish the other sock so Baby Boy can wear them before he outgrows them. After I finish the baby sock I want to knit something for myself. I found a lightweight summer sweater pattern that I love. I think I will modify it, though, because I have some pretty bamboo yarn that I didn't know what to knit with it and I think it would be perfect for this shirt. It's a slightly heavier weight than what the pattern calls for so I will have to adjust the gauge. I can't wait to start knitting again!