Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Another Project

Yesterday afternoon I had my weekly knitting lesson. It was about increasing and decreasing like last week, but today we started a pattern. I say "we," however, I was the only one there this week! So, I started a new pattern. It's a scarf. The pattern is called Norwegian fir lace. It's pretty and delicate. I supposed I could have chosen a daintier yarn, but I loved the color of this yarn. The biggest downfall is I seem to have picked out a bad skein. It was the last one left in this color, go figure; and I just had to have it.

Tangled mess!
I spent most of yesterday afternoon and evening knitting and detangling the skein. Today I was at it again until I couldn't get the knots out anymore. I got some help this afternoon. Teamwork always gets the job done! It was a mess and it turned out it was not even all together! We had to tie the ends together once we got it untangled. The whole skein is full of knots and when the largest tangle was undone, it came apart! Now it is all together and the remaining yarn is in a neat ball. I'm going to need another skein and I don't know if there's another in this color. I want to donate the finished scarf to charity. It's frustrating that the skein was so bad.
All in all, I am optimistic about the progress and I think it's going to be pretty once it's done.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

It's Growing!

Meanwhile, my old experiment is growing. It started off as practice for knitting the garter stitch. Then, I figured out the purl stitch. I made some mistakes and ripped it apart and started all over. It helped keep me in practice with casting one anyway. So, the last time I started it over, I knitted a couple rows. Then I think I purled four rows and then knitted 4 and then purled 4. Then I decided I wanted it to have vertical ribbing so I did something like k5; p5.
I have almost finished the first skein of yarn. I bought another skein to knit in when I run out so it will be as long as I need it to be. Hopefully, I will remember correctly what I did on that first end so the other end matches. I suppose if it doesn't match it will be OK. Someone around here will wear it. And yes, that's my toe in the bottom corner there. I had to stand on the couch in order to get the whole thing to fit in the shot!

These Are Awesome

This is my next *big* knitting project. When I first went to the yarn shop down here to check the place out and inquire about classes for me, we saw these legwarmers made in the shop. This week I asked about getting the pattern since I've figured out knitting and purling and it turned out to be a free pattern with yarn purchase. Yay! So I bought 2 skeins of this beautiful red yarn. I think the colors in this are so pretty! There were other colors available in this particular brand and if I am successful making these red ones, I may just make another pair in another color.
I will most likely modify this pattern to make them longer. I like legwarmers that go well beyond the knee. Most legwarmers I've purchased are thigh highs. Ultimately, I want to make lots of knits for dancing. I found a ton of patterns online that are free, too. If only I knew how to do this stuff when I was a teenager. I would have handmade all my danceknits!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Increasing and Decreasing

Beginning of a purse.
This afternoon's knitting class covered increasing and decreasing. These are not easy tasks. I made a lot of mistakes practicing, but that's why it's called practice. The exercise we did today created some eyelets. It was familiar because way back when I started a purse that has eyelets. I didn't get very far with that purse, but I definitely made a few rounds and finished at least one set of the eyelets. I don't even think the eyelets are visible in this picture. This pattern is difficult because the yarn is so dark. I have trouble seeing the stitches sometimes when I'm using a darker color of yarn. One of these days I am going to finish this purse pattern. It's in Vogue Knitting on the Go: Bags and Backpacks. I'll probably get back to this purse after I figure out my abandoned socks. There's always something I can work on!
My project from this afternoon looks interesting. It's nothing, but it just looks interesting. When I say it's nothing; I mean it's nothing. It does not come from a pattern at all. It's just knitting, purling, increasing and decreasing and it has some cute looking eyelets which are very similar to the eyelets not visible in this purse picture. The shape of the practice progress is looking like a face. I feel like it could become a small stuffed animal of some sort. We'll see. Next week's lesson continues the increasing and decreasing and incorporates it into a pattern. I'm going to like having a pattern to follow. Just randomly knitting stitches is OK, but I like to have some direction. The artistic freedom of just experimenting with things isn't so bad either, however. The whole experience is really relaxing for me and surprisingly fulfilling. Who knew!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Knitting Evolution

So I totally ripped apart what I was doing and startd over because I figured out the purl stitch on my own with a little help from Sally Melville’s book The Knitting Experience: Book 2: The Purl Stitch. I was doing fine til I realized I’d added a stitch somehow. Not knowing how to fix it I took it all apart. I started over and then realized I hadn’t been placing the needles properly. I had the right needle on top of the left instead of under it. So I knitted 4 rows and purled 4 rows a few times and decided to make it look more interesting by purling 5 stitches and then knitting 5 stitches repeatedly. I messed up again by adding stitches. This time I was actually able to undo them and fix it myself without starting over! This time I forgot to move the working yarn to the front and back when switching from knit to purl and vice versa. It’s very satisfying to encounter a problem, identify it, and then figure out how to fix it on one’s own.

Making Progress

My knitting practice project is coming along. I’m ready to start purling. I’m going to a sit and stitch group in a little bit to see what that’s like, too. At the next class on Tuesday we will purl. I’m going to go through my books and things and see if I can figure it out sooner. Right now, I’m just repeating the garter stitch. I’m so ready to move forward! I want to start doing patterns again. I want to finish my unfinished things and start some thing new. There are two patterns I saw at the store that I would love to try. One is very cute flared legwarmers and the other is a cute knit skirt. I’m so ready to go! LOL  I want to make the legwarmers and wear them to ballet class!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

My Valentine

Forget flowers and candy. I got something much better and more useful. I got *pink* fishing gear! That's right. My boyfriend and I fish frequently and when he asked me what I wanted for Valentine's Day I said I wanted a pink tackle bag from Gander Mountain and a pink Ugly Stik fishing rod. I'll admit, I mostly just think the name "Ugly Stik" is hilarious and that is why I wanted one; but they happen to be a good fishing rod for a reasonable price! So, we headed north to a location not to be disclosed to me until someone called and he told him where we were going giving away the surprise. We went to Gander Mountain and then to a humongous Bass Pro Shop up in Richmond. That Bass Pro Shop was unreal! Granted, the one in Hampton has a larger freshwater fish tank; the one in Richmond is just a huge store. It is complete with an awesome restaurant and a fudge shoppe to boot. We had a great time and I got my pink fishing gear. As an added bonus we picked up a pink tackle backpack from Bass Pro. Now I am ready to fish! My Ugly Stik does need a reel at this point, but we have plenty of other fishing rods that I can use.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Search is Over!

I've been looking for a good local yarn shop (LYS) that isn't too much of a hassle to get to. I Googled yarn shops near Hampton, VA, and several came up. Most are in Virginia Beach, which is alright except I prefer to stay on this side of the tunnel. Fortunately, I found a shop in Yorktown called Coordinated Colors and I'm going to check it out and see about taking a class. I need a refresher and this seems ideal. I can't even remember how to cast on! I think once I get started it will all come back to me. I'm so excited about this!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

An Itch to Knit

Around 10 years ago I took up knitting. In the beginning it was just scarves made by the classic knit stitch and purl stitch. Eventually, I learned socks. Then I met someone who didn’t approve of knitting (or anything else I did) so I got away from it. Now I want to finish some of these projects I started all those years ago. I’m really proud of this baby sock. lol Let me add, that it's a baby sock because when I took the class all those years ago, we made baby socks so that we could learn all the steps in a timely manner. I have a few unfinished projects from those days. I started an adult pair of socks and a purse. As I got out of practice, I would forget some of the basics. Then I messed up and didn't know how to fix my mistakes. In the meantime, the yarn shop where I took my classes went out of business. I didn't know where to go for new lessons and so it sat. I'm hoping to find a yarn shop nearby here where I can relearn and get back into my knitting.