Today is World Wide Knit in Public Day. I don't know much about it, other than it became a thing in 2005. On this day, knitters around the world unite and knit in public. I did my part by visiting a
LYS I hadn't been to before. How I missed that this shop existed, is beyond me. I can only figure it opened while we were living in central Ohio. It is called RaeMarie Yarns and it is in Vermilion, OH. It's a quaint little shop with a decent yarn selection. What is really cool is that the ladies I learned to knit from both work at this new shop! It was nice to see them again and they remembered me! (I took classes at their shop 15 years ago or so!)
So, I got up early on a Saturday, packed up my son and dropped him off at my parents' house for a few
hours so I could knit in solitude in public! Of course I did a little
shopping beforehand. I need baby yarn for a
dress I want to make to bring our daughter home from the hospital in. I wasn't even sure what exactly I was looking for, but I was leaning toward either light purple (lilac or lavender color) or peach. I saw both colors in Debbie Bliss Cashmerino and was torn. Then it was suggested I try using a sock yarn because it is more washable and dryable (I tend hand wash everything I make anyway, but if it's sturdier, that is good, too). The other plus was that this yarn was a little less expensive and a lot of yardage came in one skein. So, I went with Cascade Yarns Heritage Multis. As you might guess, it's multicolored and includes both light purple shades and some peachy pink colors as well as some lovely shades of green! One of the ladies was working on a pair of socks in this yarn and it looked very pretty. I'm optimistic!

Yarn wasn't all I decided to purchase while I was there. I swear I was like a kid in a candy shop! How I controlled myself is beyond me! Of course I couldn't pass up some notions! You can never have too many needle stoppers (point protectors?). My son lives to take mine and toss them into oblivion, so I bought a 3 pack of those. I also have been wanting locking stitch markers and they had some Knit Picks in purple so I couldn't pass those up either. Finally, it was suggested that I try bent tip tapestry needles. I have never used them. I don't know if I'll love them or hate them, but they weren't expensive so I figured, why not!

So, now for the knitting in public part! I took the scarf I'm currently working on. I told the ladies about the Traveling Scarf project I'm a part of and they were intrigued. I don't think any of them had heard of such a concept before. They thought it was a neat idea! They thought the current scarf was beautiful. I decided to give the
Gina Scarf a try. I think it's very pretty! It's not difficult to do, either. I did spend a bit of my time starting it over, though. I missed knitting the first and last stitches on one of the rows and it caused a tangle. So I spent some of my time untangling and unraveling. I managed to get it under control and finished it up tonight! This scarf can be shipped off Monday!