I have missed working on my projects. I have also missed blogging. So, I'm going to try writing more regularly, too. I'm starting slow with the blog business, though. I may only post once or twice a month for starters. My goal is to post weekly or better. A friend of mine has a splendid little crafting blog which has inspired me to work on mine again. I think I actually started this blog 3 years ago! Has it been that long already?
To get started again, I suppose I should give a rundown on what I've been up to lately. I finished a few projects and have a new one going now. The first finished object was Cable Owl Gloves. The pattern can be found here. This pattern caught my attention at least two years ago, but probably more. Now that I finally had some time I figured I would give it a shot. Mittens and gloves are fun! Besides, I had some orange Plymouth Encore Worsted yarn stashed away that was perfect for fall owly mitts. This proved to be a quick project and took me about a week to complete - toddler chasing and all. The original pattern calls for button eyes. My buttons are too big. And I think they still look like owls without. I may add the eyes one day, but for now they work as is. I'm the one who wears them. They are great for when I'm cold inside. This isn't a difficult pattern, but the version I have (which may be revised by now) has some errors in it.

My current WIP is a pattern called Aria. This pattern poses a new challenge to me: knitting from a chart. My preference has always been a written pattern as opposed to a chart. I'm typically a visual person, but knitting charts just confuse me as they are. They help me to see what the end result will be, but reading them bothers me. Case in point: after completing the first nine rows of this pattern I realized you're supposed to read them right to left; not left to right. So while I had sense enough to follow from bottom to top, I've pretty much been knitting it in reverse. I don't want to rip it out and start over because I don't want to recount 186 cast on stitches. So, I have this plan that once this is finished I will make another one and actually follow the pattern correctly. Seems fair enough. I wonder if they're look that different from each other?
Well, it has felt great to write something again! Hopefully, it won't be too long before I post again.